The court jesters have left their palace to come and have fun with you, but they also have a secret mission: To find the perfect monarch for the court. They are mocking and witty minstrels who love to laugh. They would all like to take the throne and become the new king or queen, but they can just pretend because they are real jokers and comedians. A new king or queen will take the throne.
Itinerant and burlesque show for all the publics with 6 jesters who have a secret mission: To find a new king or queen. The original music of the Bufonata fills the streets. They carry a throne or the new majesty to sit on. It is necessary to find someone with such virtues as wisdom, temperance, beauty, authority, strength… The esters will put the plebeians to the test to try to find all these qualities in a new monarch. The public will also take part in the final decision. All those candidates to the throne who turn out to be a fraud will be happily sentenced to the scorn yoke. This Bufonata show combines the modern language with a medieval jargon.